Quote Editor is a modern, single-page, reactive web application built with Ruby on Rails 7, showcasing the power of Hotwire (Turbo + Stimulus) without writing any custom JavaScript code. This project was an exercise in creating highly responsive and dynamic user interfaces using Rails innovative approach to web development. LEARNINGS: • Turbo Drive: Turbo Drive enhances the user experience by making all link clicks and form submissions AJAX requests, dramatically speeding up page load times and interactions. • Turbo Frames: Turbo Frames divide the web page into independently loadable and updatable pieces, allowing the creation of a dynamic user interface without any JavaScript. • Turbo Streams: Turbo Streams bring real-time interactivity to our application by enabling updates to individual pieces of the page in response to server-side changes or WebSocket (ActionCable) broadcasts. BEYOND TRADITIONAL WEB DEVELOPMENT: Quote Editor is more than just a text editor, it's a demonstration of how modern web technologies can simplify development processes while enhancing user engagement, all within the Ruby on Rails ecosystem. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: A special thanks to Alexandre Ruban for his comprehensive tutorial on learning Hotwire with Ruby on Rails (https://www.hotrails.dev), which served as a valuable guide throughout this project.
Ruby on Rails
Turbo Drive
Turbo Frames
Turbo Streams
As a seasoned full-stack software engineer, I bring innovation and proficiency to every project I undertake. Whether you're a startup in need of a dynamic web application or an established enterprise seeking cutting-edge software solutions, I'm here to turn your vision into reality.
Let's collaborate to create tailored solutions that exceed your expectations and propel your business forward.